
Hair Talk

Dress: Urban Planet|Jacket: Suzy Shier|Shoes: JustFab
Total Outfit Cost: $55

Let's talk hair. If you've been around since the beginning of this blog, you might remember I was transitioning from permed to natural hair. Well, it's been a year now and I'm fully natural! Yaay! I did not do the big chop. Before transitioning, my real hair length was about an inch or two below my neck (from behind). Although I didn't chop, a whole lot of my permed hair ended up falling off. This mostly occured while washing or combing. The remaining bit of permed hair left formed annoying tangles at the end of my newly grown natural hair (some of the tangles were 2-3 inches in length). 

On Monday, I decided to chop all the tangles off! A friend of mine who was present at the moment, kept going like 'WOW! That's a lot of hair you're cutting off!'. I was tired of the stressful process of detangling my hair. (After you've grown out a sizeable amount of natural hair, the permed hair remaining makes washing and detangling more difficult). I'm considering going back to permed hair. I actually permed my hair, but it just wouldn't perm...

Are you Team Natural or Term Permed Hair? I'd love to know!




Blue Days


Shop This Look:
 Top: Dynamite | Pants: David Ash Collection | Shoes: Ardene | Wristwatch: Avon | Bag: Louis Vuitton

Hey guys, what's up? The weekend flew by really quickly for me. I attended a friend's surprise birthday party on Saturday, and I wore this to Church on Sunday. This outfit was so unexpected! My mum got me these pants (they're a size bigger than me) , and I really wanted to style them in a different way, so I paired them with this top that's been hiding in my closet unworn for months now.

Also, I'm currently in the middle of picking wall colors for my room, and honestly, it's not as easy as I thought it would be! I want a relaxing color, nothing too bright; just a color that is calming. I had in mind light grey, some dark taupe colors, and navy blue, but I don't know. What do you think? Any color suggestions?




Designer Crush: Giuseppe Zanotti


How can one person be so talented? I absolutely love this man. Giuseppe Zanotti is my favourite shoe designer! (Do you have a favourite shoe designer?) His shoes are just always so gorgeous and on point. I know lots of ladies love Christian Louboutin, but I say the only thing his shoes are good for is hurting your feet. They are no longer as fascinating as they used to be.

Which pair is your favourite?




Lately + New In...

It's been a while! I thought I'd update you about what's been happening, hence the lack of posts. The last couple of months have been really tedious for me. I thought I had enough time, but everything happened so quickly around the same time so I decided to take a break. It all began a few weeks to my finals for last semester.

I had been house-haunting, finally I found a place then almighty finals came along, then I had to pack up to move out of my previous house, then I had to move in to a somewhat unfinished house... I had flooring, painting, furnishing and all that going on + some bad cold, so it's been quite stressful.

Unto some refreshing news, I finally got my first DSLR! Whoop! After months of procrastination, saving up, research on YouTube, review websites, blog FAQs, and stalking prices on about 5 different websites, I finally got a Canon EOS Rebel T3i with the 18-55mm kit lens + 75-300mm II USM Lens + EF 50mm f/1.8 II Lens! I feel I snagged them up for a pretty good deal, so yay to better pictures! I can't wait to play around with my photography skills. Also, I thought I'd share with you some recent additions to my closet in the pictures above.

I also have couple of projects in mind, so I'll work on them and let you know as they unfold.

Thanks for your patience.

